Life seems to be favoring you today. As you approach the registers you see a total of four cashiers standing idly, waiting for something to do. Steering toward the friendliest looking of the four, you begin to unload your cart onto the black rubber belt. You make friendly chit-chat with your chosen cashier (who is wearing a name tag that reads "The Beard"), joking about the wide variety you have collected. You are content.
At last The Beard announces your total. You reach into your purse and pull out the thing that also holds your most commonly used cards (library, driver's license, bank, Cafe Rio) and look in the designated pocket. All you see is an Albertson's Club Card.
Somehow, in the exact instant that you see that blue and white insignia, your heart stops dead. A cold dread floods through your entire body. Attempting to stifle panic before it is warranted, you hastily glance at all the other pockets where perhaps a misguided shove had placed the card by mistake. Nothing. Horror is rising steadily within you, overwhelming all barriers like the floodwaters of New Orleans. Frantically you begin to ransack every pocket, fold, and crevice on your person. Patting yourself down like some sort of schizophrenic policeman, you realize that it simply is not there.
To varying degrees this is a scenario we have all experienced. Perhaps you go out to your car and find the card laying innocently on your passenger seat. Perhaps you find it hiding between the pages of your planner. Or perhaps you simply go home, cancel it, and order a new one. Regardless of the outcome, those few minutes standing there dumbly at the cash register take years off a person's life. What if it wasn't a once in a while occurrence? What if that was how you were to spend the rest of your life? The rest of forever? What if you were condemned to spend eternity repeating those brief moments at the cash register when you realize that your life might be in the hands of someone else?
Welcome to the second circle of Hell...
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